Projects by Our Team
Geotechnical Projects by our team
Ismail, Ahmed, Adel Abdelnaby, and Timothy Larson. 2017. ‘High-resolution P-and S-wave seismic reflection followed by engineering modeling for geotechnical site characterization in southern Illinois’, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 22: 375-84.
Sanuade, O., Ismail, Ahmed. & Stumpf, A. 2023. Comparing Vs profiles from MASW and downhole logging method from glacial deposits in central Illinois. Arab J Geosci 16, 196
Kolawole, Folarin, Estella A Atekwana, and Ahmed Ismail. 2017. ‘Near‐surface electrical resistivity investigation of coseismic liquefaction‐induced ground deformation associated with the 2016 Mw 5.8 Pawnee, Oklahoma, Earthquake’, Seismological Research Letters, 88: 1017-23.
Ismail, Ahmed, F Brett Denny, and Mohamed Metwaly. 2014. ‘Comparing continuous profiles from MASW and shear-wave reflection seismic methods’, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 105: 67-77.
Shaaban, Fathy, Ahmed Ismail, Usama Massoud, Hany Mesbah, Ahmed Lethy, and Abbas Mohamed Abbas. 2013. ‘Geotechnical assessment of ground conditions around a tilted building in Cairo–Egypt using geophysical approaches’, Journal of the Association of Arab Universities for Basic and Applied Sciences, 13: 63-72.
Thitimakorn, Thanop, Ahmed Ismail, Neil Anderson, and David Hoffman. 2009. ‘Mapping a NEHRP site class using multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW) method in Southeast Missouri, USA’, Bulletin of Earth Sciences of Thailand, 2: 31-39.
Ismail, Ahmed, and Neil Anderson. 2007. ‘Near‐surface characterization of a geotechnical site in north‐east Missouri using shear‐wave velocity measurements’, Near Surface Geophysics, 5: 331-36.
Neil Anderson, Ahmed Ismail, Thanop Thitimakorn. 2007. ‘Ground-Penetrating Radar: A tool for monitoring bridge scour’, Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, 13: 1 – 10.
Anderson, Neil, Thanop Thitimakorn, Ahmed Ismail, and David Hoffman. 2007. ‘A comparison of four geophysical methods for determining the shear wave velocity of soils’, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, 13: 11-23.
Thanop Thitimakorn, Neil Anderson, David Hoffman, Ahmed Ismail. 2006. ‘A comparative analysis of 2-D MASW shear wave velocity profiling technique’, Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (EJGE), 11: 1 – 17.
Sevi, A., Ismail, A., and Stephenson, R., 2006: A geotechnical investigation of sandstone degradation in Luxor, Egypt, the 59th Canadian Geotechnical Conference – 7th Joint CNG/CGS Groundwater Specialty conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Oct 1-4, 2006.
Kim, W., Ismail, A., Anderson, N.L., Atekwana, A., Buccellato, A., 2003: Non-destructive testing (NDT) for corrosion in bridge decks using GPR. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on the Application of Geophysical Methodologies and NDT to Transportation Facilities and Infrastructure, Geophysics 2003, Orlando, FL, USA, 8–12 December 2003
Kim, W., Ismail, A.M., Anderson, N.L. and Atekwana, E.A., 2003: Mapping variations in the relative spatial locations of embedded dowel bars using GPR, In Geophysics 2003, The third international conference on the application of geophysical methodologies and NDT to transportation facilities and infrastructure, Dec. 8-12 2003, Orlando Florida, USA.
Anderson, N. L., and Ismail, A.M., 2002: A protocol for selecting appropriate geophysical surveying tools based on engineering objectives and site characteristics. The 2nd annual conference on the application of geophysical and NDT methodologies to transportation facilities and infrastructure, California, USA.
Ismail, A., Thomason, J., and Atekwana, E., 2017: Shear-wave seismic reflection for improved detection of ground subsidence and scouring features. Expanded Abstracts. International Conference on Engineering Geophysics, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, 9-12 October 2017: pp. 28-31.
Atekwana, E., Kolawole, F., Ismail, A., and. Harding J., 2017: Assessing earthquake rupture zones: An integrated electrical and aeromagnetic approach. International Conference on Engineering Geophysics. Expanded Abstracts. Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, 9-12 October 2017: pp. 268-271.
Sanuade, O., Ismail, A., 2022: Bedrock mapping using MASW with inversion and interpretation constraints from seismic refraction. 34th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP), Denver Co, 20-24 March 2022.
Ismail, A., 2017: Identifying areas of potential surface fissures and sand blows: A geophysical case study in central Oklahoma following the 2016 Mw 5.8 Pawnee, OK earthquake. Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP), Denver Co, 19-23, March 2017.
Environmental projects by our team
Ismail, Ahmed, and Neil Anderson. 2012. ‘2-D and 3-D resistivity imaging of karst sites in Missouri, USA’, Environmental & Engineering Geoscience, 18: 281-93.
Metwaly, Mohamed, Ahmed Ismail, and Jun Matsushima. 2007. ‘Evaluating some factors that affect feasibility of using ground penetrating radar for landmine detection’, Applied Geophysics, 4: 221-30.
Phillips, A., Ismail, A., Larson, T and Gemperline, J. 2013: Intercalating slack water lake and outwash deposits at a bedrock valley confluence in the lower Wabash Valley. Abstracts with Programs-Geological Society of America.
Nathan Campbell, Ismail, Ahmed and Jason Thomason, 2017: Detection of subsidence and scouring features using shear-wave seismic. Poster. Oklahoma Transportation Research Day, Metro Technology Center, Oklahoma City, OK, October 17, 2017.
Anderson, Derek N., Apel, D., Dezelic, V., Ismail, A., and Kovin, O., ¬2006: Assessment of karst activity at highway construction sites in Greene and Jefferson counties, Missouri, using the electrical resistivity method, P 497-513, Geophysics – NDE Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, December 4-7, 2006.
Ismail A, Abdelnaby A, Brand P, 2019: Why are the foundations of the Egyptian Temple of Karnak Crumbling into sand? An integrated archaeological, geophysical and engineering study. Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2019. May 2019, 1-3.
Torgashov, E., Anderson, N., Li. M., and Ismail, A. 2012: Imaging in Karst Terrain using electrical resistivity tomography and surface wave methods: Abstract, Proceedings of SAGEEP 25, March 25 –29, 2012, Tucson, Arizona, CD-ROM edition.
Groundwater projects by our team
Sazal, Zonaed, Ahmed Ismail, and Jason Thomason. 2021. ‘Seismic shear-wave characterization of sand and gravel groundwater aquifers in Northern Illinois’, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 26: 183-93.
Rabeh, Taha, Kamal Ali, Sayed Bedair, Mervat A Sadik, and Ahmed Ismail. 2019. ‘Exploration and evaluation of potential groundwater aquifers and subsurface structures at Beni Suef area in southern Egypt’, Journal of African Earth Sciences, 151: 9-17.
Jason, F Thomason, Timothy R Larson, Ahmed Ismail, and Steve Sargent. 2018. ‘Characterizing glacial sediments and features in northeast Illinois using electrical resistivity and seismic-reflection profiling’, In: Kehew A.E., and Curry B.B., (eds.), Quaternary Glaciation of the Great Lakes Region: Process, Landforms, Sediments, and Chronology. Geological Society of America Special Paper 233 – 44.
Leonard O. Ohenhen, Micah Mayle , Folarin Kolawole , Ahmed Ismail , Estella A. Atekwana, 2023: Exploring for groundwater in sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from integrated geophysical characterization of a weathered basement aquifer system, central Malawi. (
Ismail, Ahmed, Andrew Stumpf, and Robert Bauer. 2014. ‘Seismic characterization of glacial sediments in central Illinois’, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 101: 1-10.
Elwaseif, M, Ahmed Ismail, M Abdalla, M Abdel-Rahman, and MA Hafez. 2012. ‘Geophysical and hydrological investigations at the west bank of Nile River (Luxor, Egypt)’, Environmental Earth Sciences, 67: 911-21.
Stumpf, Andrew J, and Ahmed Ismail. 2013. ‘High-resolution seismic reflection profiling: an aid for resolving the Pleistocene stratigraphy of a buried valley in central Illinois, USA’, Annals of Glaciology, 54: 10-20.
Ismail, Ahmed, Neil L Anderson, and J David Rogers. 2005. ‘Hydrogeophysical investigation at Luxor, southern Egypt’, Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics, 10: 35-49.
Metwaly, M., El Alfy, M., El awady, E., Ismail, A., and El-Qady, G., 2014: Estimating aquifer hydraulic parameters from electrical resistivity measurements; a case study at Khuff Formation Aquifer, Al Quwy’yia Area, Central of Saudi Arabia. International Conference on Engineering Geophysics, Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, 15-18 November 2015: pp. 212-215.
Ali H., Prasad M, Ismail A, Konfor NI, Joseph-Quentin YA, Sanuade OA, Agbogun HMD, Yem M, Magha A. Probing deeper: 2022: On delineating basement features to investigate fractured aquifers in a rural community. Paper presented at the SEG/AAPG International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Houston, Texas, USA, August 2022. Paper Number: SEG-2022-3740653.
Mewafy, F., Ismail, A., 2022: Artificial intelligence for effective modeling of groundwater plumes based on limited geological and geophysical data. The 34th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP), Denver Co, 20-24 March 2022.
Archaeological projects by our team
Diab, Ahmed and Ahmed Ismail. 2022. ‘GPR detection of unmarked historic graves at the Fairlawn Cemetery in Stillwater, Oklahoma’, Archaeological Prospection, 1–13.
Ismail, Ahmed. 2018. ‘Geophysical assessment and mitigation of degraded archaeological sites in Luxor Egypt. Book Chapter.’ in El-Qady G. Metwaly M. (ed.), Archaeogeophysics. Natural Science in Archaeology (Cham: Springer).
Odah, Hatem, Ahmed Ismail, Ibrahim Elhemaly, Neil Anderson, Abbas M Abbas, and Fathy Shaaban. 2013. ‘Archaeological exploration using magnetic and GPR methods at the first court of Hatshepsut Temple in Luxor, Egypt’, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 6: 865-71.
Ismail, Ahmed, Gad El-Qady, Abeer El-Kenawy.2007, ‘Applications of geophysics to archaeology: resistance scanning investigation in the vicinity of El-Karnak Temple, Luxor, Egypt.’ Egyptian Geophysical Society Journal, 4: 189 -98.
Mining projects by our team
Anderson, N., Apel, D., Ismail, A., Kovin, O., and Dezelic, V., 2006: Differentiating rooms and pillars on reflection seismic profiles: A seismic investigation of two abandoned coalmines, P 58-70, Highway Geophysics – NDE Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, December 4-7, 2006.
Ismail, A., Meese, P., Sanuade, O., 2022: Mining voids detection using seismic land streamer data at the Tri-State mining district in northeast Oklahoma. 34th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP), Denver Co, 20-24 March 2022.
Mesbah, Hany S, Ahmed Ismail, Ayman I Taha, Usama Massoud, and Mamdouh M Soilman. 2017. ‘Electrical and electromagnetic surveys to locate possible causes of water seepage to ground surface at a quarry open pit near Helwan city, Egypt’, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 10: 1-9.
Dams and Levees projects by our team
Sazal, Zonaed, Oluseun Sanuade, and Ahmed Ismail. 2022. ‘Geophysical characterization of the Carl Blackwell earth-fill dam: Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA’, Pure and Applied Geophysics, 179: 2853-67.
Abdel Aal, G.Z, Ismail, A.M., Anderson, N.L. and Atekwana, E.A., 2003: Geophysical investigation of seepage from an earth fill dam, Washington County, MO. In Geophysics 2003, the 3rd international conference on the application of geophysical methodologies and NDT to transportation facilities and infrastructure, Dec. 8-12 2003, Orlando Florida, USA.
Ismail Ahmed., Zonaed, S., and Sanuade, O., 2022: Improvements in Geophysical Investigations of Earth Fill Dams. Dam Safety 2022 Conference in Baltimore, MD, 18-22 September 2022.
Sazal, Z., Ismail Ahmed., Sanuade, O., 2021: Geophysical investigation at Carl Blackwell Dam, Stillwater, Oklahoma. 33rd Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP), Denver Co, 14-19 March 2021.
Ismail Ahmed., Daniel A. Laó-Dávila, Chris Stoner, Sazal Zonaed, Oluseun Sanuade, 2019: Earthfill dam safety investigation and monitoring using integrated geophysical methods, abstract. The 40th Annual Oklahoma Governor’s Water Conference and Research Symposium, December 4-5, 2019, at Midwest City, OK.
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